Ask an expert: how to get a job with no experience

Recent grads always ask us, “What now?” Even if you know what type of work you want, most employers want to see experience on your resume.
It’s natural to feel overwhelmed. But our knowledgeable YMCA Employment Services staff are here to help! Here are their top 4 tips to help you launch your career:
- Clean up your CV
If you don’t have much job experience, writing a resume can feel tough.
Shazeen Dhala, a job developer at Etobicoke YMCA Employment and Immigrant Services, recommends adding your volunteer work. Community service is a great way to show transferable skills like teamwork and leadership.
“Even if someone doesn’t have a lot of separate experiences to list on their resume, how they expand on those experiences can make a huge difference,” explains Shazeen.
Don’t have any volunteer experience either? We’re always looking for people to help out in our Employment Services resource centres. While you’re there, ask a staff member for help with other resume basics, like professional formatting.
- Start networking
Danilo Alfaro, a job developer at North York YMCA Employment and Immigrant Services, advises you should go to as many networking events as you can.
“Be active connecting with individuals and let them know you’re looking for a job,” he says. “The important part is that people will know you and your goals.”
YMCA Employment Services offers weekly workshops and information sessions. You’ll learn new skills and meet professionals in a variety of industries across the GTA.
- Step outside your comfort zone
Danilo also says you should never be afraid to reach out and ask for help.
“Be willing to ask more questions, meet new people, learn to deal with rejection, and persevere!”
Try to find people who have jobs like the one you want. Chat with them about job requirements and how the hiring process works. Most working professionals were in your position at one point and will be happy to help.
4. Land your perfect job
Still feeling overwhelmed? Put your worries and confusion aside by chatting with one of our YMCA Employment Specialists! They’ll help surface your goals and skills, map out a career path with you, and make recommendations for positions you can apply for.
Schedule an appointment today to get started on your job hunt!