Make A Gift In Your Will
Leave a legacy that will help your community shine.
Your gift can empower people with essential services, opportunities to better their lives, and a sense of belonging — now, and long into the future.
About Legacy Giving
Making a gift in your will — also known as a charitable bequest — is easy, but it's an important decision.
Here are answers to some of the questions people ask us most frequently about leaving a gift in your will:
What is a charitable bequest?
A charitable bequest is a gift specified in your last will and testament. It can be a certain sum of money, a particular asset, or a percentage of your estate. Your bequest to the YMCA of Greater Toronto will help ensure a brighter future for everyone in our community by funding vital services — from youth shelters to leadership programs, camps, newcomer and refugee youth groups, and beyond.
How does a bequest benefit me?
A charitable bequest is a way to make a lasting contribution to the YMCA of Greater Toronto. It is an enduring statement of your generosity and care for our community. You will be providing future funding for the Y’s critical programs, making a long-term impact for generations to come.
How does it work?
Making a gift in your will is simple. You can choose to leave the YMCA of Greater Toronto a specific amount of money, or a percentage of your estate. As you consider making a charitable bequest, you may wish to begin by having a conversation with your family and talk with your lawyer about creating or updating your will.
What are the tax benefits of a bequest?
Your estate will be issued a tax receipt for the full value of the amount of the bequest gift. This resulting tax credit will reduce taxes owing on your final tax return. With recent tax and estate legislation changes, eligible estates may now also claim tax credits in subsequent years. We recommend you seek the advice of a tax professional who will be able to maximize your estate’s tax benefits.
Types of Bequests
There are several ways you can choose to leave a legacy gift, including:
Residual Bequest:
Donate all or a percentage of your estate after all your debts, taxes, expenses and other specific bequests (gifts to loved ones) have been paid.
"I give the residue of my estate [or percentage of the residue] to the YMCA of Greater Toronto…"
Specific Bequest:
Designate a specific dollar amount or piece of property, such as real estate, securities or other investments.
"I give the sum of $XXX,XXX [or description of property] to the YMCA of Greater Toronto…"
Contingent Bequest:
Takes effect only in the event that the beneficiary predeceases you.
"If [name of primary beneficiary] does not survive me for 30 days, then I give [description of gift] to the YMCA of Greater Toronto..."
Making Your Gift
Use our legal name
When including a gift to a charity in your will or any other document, please be sure to use our correct legal name:
YMCA of Greater Toronto
90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario, M4P 2Y3
Charitable registration number: 11930 7080 RR0001
Keep us informed
Please consider informing us of your gift. It provides us with an opportunity to thank you for your generosity. Rest assured, we treat all notification and communications with absolute confidentiality.
Contact Us
To learn more and discuss your legacy, please contact:
Laura Mullin,
Director, Stewardship and Gift Planning
This information is not intended as legal or financial advice. We encourage you to consult a qualified professional advisor.